Monday, October 25, 2010

Tales From The Perimeter: A Bit of Politics

Perimeter meaning the 6 mile patrol road inside the fence of the military installation on which I work, where some half a dozen of us comprise a pool of running “talent” and strive to show up for a noontime run a couple times a week if we can escape our desks. We share a lot and these guys are one of the core pillars of my sanity. See also here for a previous post.

Never missing an opportunity to bust a running partner, here's an email string sent among our group the morning prior to a run last week.  Political differences aside, we would go to the mat for any of our group. We've shared--literally--blood, sweat, and tears and I feel as close to these guys as to virtually anyone in my life.

You should know that CW is a retired Marine and is very conservative; I am the exact opposite, the classic liberal/progressive.  KK is in the middle.  PH is a warm-hearted, lovable oaf.

Anyway, on to the story:

From: KK
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 1:40 PM
To: xxxxx
Cc: xxxxx
Subject: Running

OK guys, CW is starting to get a complex, because no one else will run with him. I've been running (stuck) with him the last three (miserable) running days. I can't stand his (liberal) views and need someone more (conservative) like Gary to balance him out.

Let's show our support to CW and his ego by not punishing him (or me) by having him running with me.


-----Next Message-----

From: Gary
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 16:06
To: xxxxx
Cc: xxxxx
Subject: RE: Running


You're right, even Ray Charles could see that CW is such a flaming liberal that he puts Nancy Pelosi to shame. Come hell or high water, I will relieve the pressure on you on Friday, and hope for 2 laps. I will speak eloquently about:

--My passion for preserving tax cuts for millionaires (because that trickle-down sh*t REALLY does work)

--Why we need to kick Iran's *ss militarily right NOW

--Why man-made climate change is about as real as William Shatner's hair

--How "don't ask, don't tell" makes our armed forces stronger


-----Next Message-----

From: PH
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:05 AM
To: xxxxx
CC: xxxxx
Subject: RE: Running

It's NOT REAL??? Please don't tell me that ;-(

Guys, I'm going to attend bible study I will not be running. Please keep xxxxx in your prayers as she is taking her day long medical boards today. I'm also praying for xxxxx'x mother and her speedy recovery!

I may come to work for 1/2 day tomorrow and if so, I will run with you guys. Consider that a warning.

Warm Regards

I love my running buddies, that's the only way to say it.  They have kept me sane when things were unraveling.  Hoping that you, too, have some people like this in your life.


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